© Michel Fingerhut 1996-8 ^  


Pierre Vidal-Naquet:
Assassins of Memory
Translated by Jeffrey Mehlman in Assassins of Memory (NY: Columbia University Press 1992), English translation copyright 1992 Columbia University Press
No reproduction except for personal use only - Reproduction interdite sauf pour usage personnel

We are very grateful to Pierre Vidal-Naquet and his american publisher, Columbia University Press, for allowing us to make this text available here.


  1. The Destruction of the Helots of Sparta
  2. History and Stories
  3. Discourse-Memory-Truth
  4. The Sect
  5. History and the Nation
  6. Auschwitz and the Third World
  7. The Confusion of Feelings
  8. In the Guise of a Conclusion


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